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Interested to learn what benefits the Rotterdam region brought for DEMCON unmanned systems to kick-start their scale-up journey? Or the tips co-founder Fedor Ester has for start-ups in the maritime industry?
Watch this video to learn more about why this winner of the 2021 Maritime Innovation Award moved from the aerial domain towards unmanned vessels and autonomous navigation.
Demcon unmanned systems
Demcon unmanned systems develops and supplies unmanned autonomous vehicles for customer specific applications. Increasing safety, optimize production and enabling new business models. All systems design, development, realization, integrations and service is done in-house ensuring full customization capabilities and a one-stop shop. Providing users innovative solutions that match their industrial standard, performance and workflow integration needs.
According to Fedor Ester (Founder of DEMCON unmanned systems) clients, suppliers and authorities in the Rotterdam region are not simply involved, but are also committed to making autonomous shipping a reality. Besides being close to the market, a superb maritime innovation ecosystem and the presence of the Netherlands Forum for Smart Shipping, he also believes that cooperative and accessible authorities like the Port of Rotterdam Authority and Rijkswaterstaat are beneficial for operating out of the maritime capital of Europe.