Credit: Francisco Jose Martinez Mendez

Shipbuilding & Superyachts

History and Innovation
go hand-in-hand

The Netherlands is a world leader in building innovative and high-quality ships. Rotterdam is one of the main shipbuilding centres and capable of producing super-yachts ranging from 24 to 110 metres in length.

The history of shipbuilding in Rotterdam spans roughly four centuries. You find expertise, craftsmen, suppliers, shipyards and the required maritime services here. Furthermore, your ship features the latest innovations and is delivered exactly on time.

Unique and innovative

The Rotterdam region is proficient in building all kinds of specialised ships that integrate complex technical solutions, ranging from naval vessels and dredgers to luxury yachts. The shipbuilding industry first grew to maturity in the areas around the inland waterways, and then concentrated around the port of Rotterdam. Each ship that leaves the yards is unique.Sustainability, CO2 reduction, digitisation and innovation are constant areas of focus. Builders of dredgers in particular, and all suppliers to the shipbuilding industry permanently work to innovate products and processes

A huge high-tech sector that supplies specialist parts. This region is at the forefront of developments in autonomous navigation and is involved in intensive trials and tests. Not just for inland shipping and short sea, but also for offshore.

Reliable and on schedule

In addition to pioneering innovations, Rotterdam is also known for dependability. When you place an order in Rotterdam, you are assured of a ship of exceptionally high quality that is delivered exactly on time. The design can even be modified during construction.

Few shipbuilders can match this level of control. The Netherlands has a reputation as a well-organised country for good reason: Rotterdam is organised and knows how to get things done.

Conversion and on-demand

The shipyards in Rotterdam specialise in building new ships, carrying out repairs and maintenance. We also excel in major conversion projects that prepare an existing ship for a totally different function. Engineers and designers immediately start work on new drawings and design concepts.Many parts, including the most innovative, are made in the region, mostly on demand. Our talent for organisation is also a great asset when it comes to conversion projects.

Sometimes, we start an intensive planning and design process as much as two years beforehand when we know that a ship needs to be converted in ten days.

Cheyenne Krijgsman

Cheyenne Krijgsman

Manager Acquisitie
Deal Drecht Cities

+31 6 27 85 37 35