Fugro has signed a contract with Kooiman Engineering and Van Oossanen Naval Architects for the naval design of Blue Prism™, Fugro’s next generation of uncrewed surface vessels (USVs).

Read more about autonomous shipping in the Rotterdam region.

Specifically engineered for operations in both coastal and offshore environments, the Blue Prism ™ will combine an ultra-low carbon footprint with high quality data collection, weather resilience and endurance characteristics.

Available to clients in 2023, Fugro’s Blue Prism™ will acquire bathymetry and sub-bottom data of the highest accuracy using hull mounted sensors, whilst also having the ability to tow multiple geophysical sensors. Capable of beyond line of sight operations, it will be the first low carbon autonomous vessel to combine these advanced vessel characteristics and sensors. Together with Fugro’s smart data management software, the speed and endurance of the Blue Prism will reduce risk and accelerate project delivery in offshore wind, hydrographic charting and coastal resilience.