Credit: Ferrodome_Guido_Pijper

Rotterdam is the ultimate place to realise innovative CO2-neutral solutions. But it goes without saying that this doesn’t just simply happen. Companies need financial support in order to be able to jointly form Europe’s Hydrogen Hub. That’s why the City of Rotterdam has allocated part of its Sustainability Transition Budget to hydrogen projects. Meet Mare Straetmans (founder of Platform Zero) and project director Leonoor Hiemstra (Smart Hydrogen Hub Foundation). They are working on a large test facility with green hydrogen at the M4H business park together with Rotterdam based partners.

An installation for the production of green hydrogen, with a smart energy network and all the associated infrastructure, will be built on the M4H business park (Merwe-Vierhavens) during the course of this year. The intention is for this large test facility to gain more experience with the production, processing and delivery of this green fuel. Platform ZeroBattolyser Systems, the Port Authority, Sunrock, the City of Rotterdam and other partners are working together on the Smart Hydrogen Hub, an important piece of the puzzle for the energy transition. Leonoor: “We are building the Smart Hydrogen Hub, for and with M4H. This local character is exactly what makes it so fantastic. The green hydrogen we’re going to be making here could possibly instantly be used by our neighbours at the Stadshaven Brewery in the future.” Mare: “Or used to refuel Watertaxi boats and the Shipping and Transport College training ship along the waterfront.”


According to Mare, M4H is a perfect area for this project. “Thre’s already a great deal of energy transition industriousness here and you can find innovative companies and businesses all over the site. We have a list of more than 100 startups and scale-ups which can play a role in this project".

Do you want to read the full interview with Mare Straetmans and Leonoor Hiemstra about hydrogen developments in M4H? You can read the full article here.

Inspired? Read more about developments in Rotterdam to become Europe’s Hydrogen Hub and stories from other Hydro Generation entrepeneurs on the website of Rotterdam Innovation City!